These are just a few of Matthews works
If you are interested in Matthews work or would like to see more of his work, Please send us an email and get in contact with us.
Some of Matthews work has been published in the New Art International by Book Art Press.
ISBN : 0-9713859-0-4
Woodstock New York 12498
Matthew describes his work as, "simply an exploration, it is a step into the unknown; a
realisation of ides and feelings that I cannot express verbally ..... My working method
involves intensive experimentation with aerosol paint, attempting to harness its peculiar
properties into a cobesion of form, colour and texture... I hope that this process of search leads to a deeper understanding of the dynamics of structures and the relationships between them, and to a means of expression articulate enough to create a state of poise, or perfect stillness."
Matthews work are exhibited in the Tate in Penzance and three of his works are in a Californian gallery.
Matthew's Picture Gallery